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At the beginning of October we visited a patch of grand old casuarinas beside the river. On a dead fallen one, very close to the river bank we found four patches of distinctive thick fleshy leaves with very noticeable parallel furrows.

We’ve been visiting these leaves for a few weeks, not very hopeful of flowering, since they are quite exposed. However, orchids again proved themselves to be tough customers capable of unexpected survival and there were sprays of buds visible from the ground.

Some of them were flowering, but as is the way of things one really wants to photograph they were a bit inaccessible.

We spent a long time peering into the casuarinas further from the river, without spotting more orchids, although they must be there (that’s the orchid spotter’s refrain!)

A week later we visited again, this time with an extension ladder and three cameras. Our eccentricity was rewarded.